Fashion TV Sex Slavery Michel Adam Fashion FTV charged with Child Sex Offences

Fashion TV Sex Slavery Michel Adam Fashion FTV charged with Child Sex Offences

When I delved into the story I found that Israhell features as recruiting base for this sex scam:

FTV – really fashion? FTV – the ‘largest’ fashion television network in the world. Does FTV deserve this title?

Simply, NO.

FTV is the brain child of rapist and sex offender ‘Michel’ Adam Lisowski (A JEW!), who’s true intentions in creating FTV are a far cry from fashion.

How about calling it ‘Pimp Network’?

Essentially, FTV was created in order to lure unsuspecting young girls into Michel’s lair. After all, he needs to fulfil his needs to have sex with young women (and children, perhaps animals too), but no matter how much he pays his legal team they cannot keep covering up all his assaults.

Therefore, he built a brand around the ‘F’ logo, essentially by outsourcing all the TV content to other companies (as he has no personal interest in fashion) but retaining his title as ‘president’ of FTV. This meant he could parade around the globe conning young girls into sleeping with him because he is the head of a fashion channel, even though he has pretty much no actual involvement in fashion. In fact, reputable model agencies around the globe are aware of his character and do not send their models to work with FTV.

But what about the girls who are not signed with reputable model agencies? The ones from Eastern European or SE Asian countries who are poor and long for break into the glittering fashion world?

Nobody warns them about the pitfalls such as FTV. When faced with the opportunity of winning $10,000 dollars

for simply going on a boat for a couple of weeks and entering a modelling contest, many will jump at the opportunity. Of course they first wonder if it is reputable and safe, but then EVERYONE’s heard of FTV, haven’t they, and they are broadcast all over the world so they must be ok, yeah?

Unfortunately they are wrong. Working with FTV will not take your ‘career’ anywhere, and an encounter with Michel Adam is just plain dangerous. Known for feeding cocaine to young girls and promising them stardom if they sleep with him, there are countless victims out there who have been silenced by his legal team and/or his money.

And so this is what it comes down to: None of his victims can speak out due to threats from his legal team and/or his hush money, the press are too frightened to run a story on him after he took Disney to court, and therefore the FTV drivel continues to be broadcast into our homes. The FTV brand gets stronger, more girls line up to be part of their shows, and Michel Adam Lisowski (yep, A JEW!) is laughing all the way to the bank, overjoyed that nobody has dared challenge him and he is still walking free.
Most men know FTV. They know it because they have a cable subscription which has pay-to-view the porn channels, so late at night they tune into FTV to watch the ‘Midnight Hot’ shows for free. Scantily clad young girls giggling and whispering “I love Fashion TV” over, and over again.

The format does not change much for the daytime programmes. Wouldn’t you think, considering that FTV is the ‘LARGEST’ fashion network in the WORLD, that designers would be queuing up for some airspace? So why does FTV play CRAP with absolutely no factual information, 24 hours a day on a loop? Why don’t we see interviews with…errr… famous people, people we’ve heard of? 

Well the reason is because famous people haveagents. Agents know what work is good and bad for their clients. FTV has been blacklisted from reputable fashion brands for several years, which is why you will not see exclusive interviews with people who you’d actually want to watch.

And what do you think happens to all those wanna-be Models that don’t make the Boat?



In 1985 ‘Adam Lisowski’ took DISNEY to court when they 
tried to warn us about the dangers of this 
Source: ‘The Information Bomb’, p111, by Paul
 Virilio, Chris Turner.

Fashion TV founder Mr ‘Michel’ Adam Lisowski was convicted of sexual assault on a model
in Paris in 2000. The attempted rape took place in his Paris apartment. Coincidentally,
years later Michel Adam coined the concept ‘Flat Model’, whereby models are filmed in
a house 24 hours a day, a similar concept to Big Brother. The place he chose as the
filming location was the SAME apartment as where the attempted rape took place in ‘97.


Posted on February 26, 2018, in fashions. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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